Friday, February 12, 2010

I hate the snow

I know the east coast has been hit with massive (for them at least) snow storms. Thirty inches of snow for a area that has one snow plow in each town can't be much fun. But their snow is transitory. It comes as a massive big blast on Monday and by the weekend, the sun is out and all the snow is slush. A week of 40 degree temps and it is over. However, that is not Minnesota. I was shoveling some snow yesterday and notice it was the same snow that fell on November. This year, at least, once it snowed, it stayed and it looks like it has no intention of leaving. It has been so bad that I finally gave in to Jeanne and hired someone to climb on my roof and remove the stuff. Three hours and $50 later, he was still not done and has to return tomorrow. The ice dams on my house belong on the Three Gorges blocking the Yahtzee River, they are so large. The icicles are so dangerous I had to remove them before they fell on some child and pierced his head to his heart. I have seen stalactites in major caves smaller. It has been a different year. My son, in Utah, wrote that he is tired of hearing about the snow in Washington DC on NPR. He wants his "snow back" because the ski areas in Utah need the snow and he is tired of skiing on "Colorado snow." I offered him our snow but getting it there created a problem.

The sun seems higher in the sky. Snow seems to be melting and the weather guy just said look for more snow this weekend. Looks like we are putting off our trip up north for another two weeks. My guess is all the snow will be gone by August, just in time to start up again for the 2010-2011 season. I want to be a snow bird......


  1. i was just saying how the sun is actually WARMING now. hey i posted something you might have an opinion on.

  2. Saw it and you said it well. I have a hard time with intolerant people and the ones who seem to be the most intolerant are the Christians.

  3. I miss some of that cold snow sometimes! It's the kind that squeaks just right under your feet. That squeak is the snow telling you it's about eight degrees outside and it's not going anywhere. Don't let Old Man Winter beat you down, Dad! If it wasn't the cold, I can assure you that it would be something else. Here, it's the stupid wind off the lake that never relents! I just want a quiet winter night sometimes and would gladly shave a few degrees off the thermometer to get it!

  4. would you mind telling me AGAIN what the name of that site is to make a book of our adoption photos?
