We decided to decorate the Christmas tree this afternoon. Jeanne was in charge of the project so it took most of the day as she either makes sure it is just perfect or gets distracted with other tasks (like cooking and making me happy). my style is more direct. Get the stuff on the tree as fast as possible. lay down and watch football for the rest of the afternoon. Her way is better but my way is a lot less work.
I think it is time for another tree. This one is really big for two people and fills out living room.
We had this little triangle tree. it was like a triangle on legs. and all our ornaments didnt fit and I hated it. Last year I hit Pamida on just the right day and they were damn sick of their christmas clearance and I got a new LIGHTED 7.5 foot grenada pine for FIVE BUCKS! We put it up for the first time this year and I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it! look for good clearance AFTER christmas.